One Year on the Road

I can’t believe one year has flown by already!  So much has happened over the past year and it is hard to share all the details and lessons I’ve learned in one post.  So, I’ll share some of the highlights below! I had signed a 5 month lease at an apartment in Austin. But after moving in, the condition of it did not live up to expectations, so I put in a 30 day move out notice. That meant on Nov 4th, 2017 we officially had no place to live. I’m so thankful, as that was the push I needed…

Provo, Utah

After spending a week in Provo, Utah, I keep thinking back on the beauty of the area and can’t wait to return.  We drove into Utah from Grand Junction, CO.  This began our Utah adventure with a quick tour of the red rocks of Arches National Park.  From there we drove north, straight into Provo.  The sun was going down during the drive, so the last site I could see was dry desert, with winds strong enough to blow me off my feet at the gas station. The road then transitioned into winding curves.  It was completely dark at this…