Where to keep cat litter in the Airstream Basecamp

I get asked a lot about traveling with a cat and how I handle the litter box.  One of the reasons I bought the Airstream Basecamp was because I knew I could hide the litter underneath the bed.  Read on for our litter tips & tricks! Where do you keep the litter box? I present to you, the “Cat Suite!”  Napoleon officially has his own level in the Basecamp under the bed where we keep his litter, food and scratching post.  Whether I’m using the full bed or half bed setup, part of the bed is always down.  This keeps…

5 Pet Safety Tips for Living with Pets on the Road.

Jasper and Napoleon go everywhere with me.  Even before we hit the road full-time, they were both experienced travelers.  Napoleon used to road trip with me to visit family, and even joined us on a family camping trip one year.  The trip was complete with him checking out a pontoon boat, which he very promptly jumped off and ran back to the cabin.  And ever since he was adopted, Jasper has gone on almost every hiking and camping trip with me. But when I hit the road full-time, I had to sit down and think about what extra precautions I…

Pet Seat Belts for Road Trips

One of the things that took the longest to figure out, was how to keep Napoleon and Jasper comfortable, yet safe, on our long trips.  Some days we may be in the car only an hour, others up to fifteen!  So after some trial and error, here is the low-down on our current set-up. Napoleon has his own Pet Booster Seat (or throne depending on who you ask).  It is actually meant for dogs, but works great for cats as well.  It’s quite large and plush.  Simply pick up the center cushion and feed the seatbelt through in order to…